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Today, we're on location at Stone Inc. to discuss the many options you have to choose from when renovating your kitchen. There are three different types of stone to choose from, each with its own characteristics.
- Marble: The softest of the stones, marble has a classic, veining look.
- Granite: More durable than marble, granite has many different styles to choose from.
- Quartz: This is the most durable stone and is manmade and uniform throughout.
The great people at Stone Inc. can work with you to determine which stone is best suited for your specific needs. To do so, they'll ask what look you're going for, what the surface will be used for, and how often it will be used. For example, if you have an outdoor kitchen, you don't want to use quartz because the glue they use will change color in the sun. If you have a low-volume kitchen, marble is a great option - especially because the sealers they use today are much better at preventing stains that they were years ago.
There are a few differences between standard and luxury stones, depending on the material. For marble, the whiter the background, the more expensive it will be. The price of granite depends on where it comes from, how hard it was to quarry the material, and the number of imperfections the stone has. For quartz, the difference between standard and luxury stone is how difficult it was to make it.
We hope this information helps you in your home renovation venture. Remember, if you email us before going to Stone Inc. for help, we'll give you a 10% discount on your project! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us or call Stone Inc. at 1-888-909-STONE! Thanks, and have a great week!
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